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Lost PTO cylinder 5 miles after TPS recalibration?

I put a new fix kit in my 2014 800 this fall at 1450 miles after I started to encounter some poor idling issues and lower compression on one side. One of the top rings gap ends was worn down, but I could see no evidence of it on the cylinder wall so that was a bit of a stumper.

The fix kit ran great for about 250 miles but I kept having poor idle issues. It would fire up and run when cold, but the after a few minutes the rpms would start dropping off and it would die. I could nurse it up to temp by staying on the throttle and it would run fine most of the day. Sometimes it needs a little gas to get going when starting. I checked compression at about 100 miles -135 on both sides, about 10 psi more than the stock setup.

I started suspecting the TPS so I called up the dealer - 2 weeks out to check the TPS, so I bought the pig tails and power cord from Troy on Ebay and did a lot of research.

I powered the ECM using the battery from the wifes sled and using a Fluke 23 I found the voltage was 4.97, which I know is not the 4.99 - 5.01 but I figured it would be close enough. I could only get the 4.97 if I was only plugged into the ECM side. Once I plugged into the TPS as well the voltage dropped to 4.1 something. I backed the idle screw all the way out and saw .746. I loosened the TPS and set it at .70. I screwed the idle screw in to .93 and put everything back together. She fired right up and idled much better.

Today I lost the PTO cylinder about 5 miles from the parking lot. I didn't feel like it was running well from the get go, then she died. I'm at a loss. What could I have done to screw this up that bad? The MAG side plug looks normal. I haven't torn into it yet so I'm not sure what really happened. Is it possible I lost an injector? Maybe the throttle bodies were way out of sync? I figured I would try this simple reset before I dove all the way in to sync them.

Any ideas would be much appreciated.

On another note the products Troy has for sale are top notch:http://www.ebay.com/itm/Polaris-TPS...ash=item3f47dca047:g:qIAAAOSwe-FU72h~&vxp=mtr
When you seen the voltage at 4.10 before starting the adjustment you should have stopped. That needs to stay at 5 volts to correctly adjust the tps. The tps controls the fuel delivery and needs to be exact. I would bet that has a great deal to do with the burn down. Sorry to here, that gets expensive.
Sounds like high resistance in the tps circuit. Could have been it the tester adapter. Could be at the ecu pins, in the tp sensor or in the sleds harness between ecu and tps.
Exactly which wires were you back-probing that gave you 4.1 volts? How much did you actually move the TPS? Is it still relatively close to the factory paint markings?

I have checked a few sleds that had this and found the wad of ground wires attached that are attached to the bolt for the front bumper to have the slightest amount of corrosion. I recommend adding a ground strap from here to the motor as well. I have also seen a couple of the pre-2013;s with broken wires that would do this.

So to understand this correctly, there are 3 wires going to your TPS

  1. One wire is a 5 volt reference supplied by the ECM
  2. 2nd is a ground reference for the TPS
  3. 3rd is the voltage signal return (feedback) to the ECM from the TPS. This signal voltage returns to the ECM to decipher how much throttle opening is happening so that the ECM can send the proper voltage's to the fuel injectors for proper fuel delivery

At this point, I'm not convinced that this caused your PTO cylinder to go down. Need more info.

Which brand fix kit did you install 250 miles ago?
I'm obviously second guessing myself at this point but I believe I got 4.1 when I probed the ground and 5v reference. Its clear to me now I should have stopped at this point.

I moved the TPS very little. If you breath on that thing the return voltage changes.

It was a snow X fix kit. The dealer I bought it from has done a lot of kits with great results. It's possible I screwed that up as well though.
Have heard same of the snow X but a buddy put this kit in his 14 and it didn't last 300 miles either.
Well I took it to the dealer and he plugged it into DW and the TPS baseline was on the low side at .688, but he said hes seen them come from the factory like that. Before I took it in I powered up the ECM and re checked my TPS. I was only getting 4.34 vdc for the supply, and the baseline from the TPS was .694. Any ideas on why the supply is so low? It read 4.98 before I plugged the other end of the tool into the TPS.

He also said he has seen 3 other sleds this winter come in with Snow X fix kits that blew in 2-300 miles.
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