Is there a GPS that you can install trail maps so that when you go off trail you know where you are and if you going th right direction toward another trail?
Garmin 60CSx works good for me. You can download the maps for the area you'll be riding in. Just remember when you download new maps the old ones get deleted.
I use a Garmin Quest and can download local maps, however it will not give you turn buy turn directions on local trails just main and secoundary roads.
I bought a Garmin 62s a few weeks ago and created my own maps to download onto the unit based off the trail maps online - you can basically create anything you want in Google Earth and download it to the GPS.
One advantage of having this capability is that I can clearly see the trails and wilderness boundaries on the GPS. If there are .jpg trail maps online for your riding area it is pretty straightforward to create the maps and load them onto the GPS.
Agreed - it is the proven model. The 62 is the "upgrade" of the 60 series and the jury is out as to whether the 62 has taken a step backwards in reception. No issues with mine so far, but on GPS forums there have been some complaints.