Very nice posts deepdiver and AKSNOWRIDER..
I can see how my post can insinuate that I was refereeing to you. I also thought that I was generalizing that statement with the first sentence of "I tell you all something is getting old" I do understand bad!
Like you said you don't know me and I don't know you..I also have never pm'd you or quoted you until this thread.
I too understand that there has been a huge amount of not understanding the other person and where they are coming from in there posts, I know I am guilty of this and I am working on being a better debater and less of an explosive poster...I am trying!! I think a lot of peeps could try a little harder also
We can only go up from the bottom...right?
So dd..I am sorry if you and your wife thought I was referring to you in my ranting part of my post..
I ment no disrespect. I deeply appreciate your "To all other members" part of your post....Thank you
I agree with you on this..there has been a lot of chittys pulled and I for one am manning up and making sure I am not part of the problem anymore. I am compromising and I plan on leading by example!!
Any One Reading This Post
Come on peeps we all love the snow and the outdoors...we are connected and we all will reep the benefits if we just take the time to understand each others posts and like AK said..."reevaluate your post before you hit the submit button"