Are you paying attention AT ALL?
There are ad banners all over THIS site.
It is still one of the slowest to load, regardless of all the improvements.
There is a LOT of evidence to suggest this is a money grab for Christopher.
The coup de grace is that the content has gone to the dogs, as has the traffic despite the propoganda you appearantly buy into.
There isn't going to be anything worth paying for except the archives.
NOBODY has EVER said they just couldn't come up with the money, NOBODY.
Talk about a stupid argument.
Nope, not paying attention at all...... at least to the majority of the bullcrap going on. I'm sorry you don't feel like you're going to gain anything worthwhile on this site and the content has "gone to the dogs." If that's the way you feel, don't post and don't join. It's definitely an individual choice.
I personally feel that having the ability to utilize the resources on SW with ease is worth it, to me. There are other sources no doubt, which one would be dumb not to draw from. Do I really care if some guy is getting a few of my pennies? Maybe, maybe not, who really knows if there's a pot of gold at the end of that rainbow.
To me though there are more important things for me to think about like getting my sleds ready to ride & planning where to go. If I can avoid a nights worth of work with some valuable info, check riding conditions, and maybe find a used part at a fraction of the cost, i've saved myself time and money. Riding is my sport, wrenching is one of my favorite hobbies. Much ado about a forum that exists in cyberspace isn't exactly at the top of my list.
My time is valuable, as i'm sure is yours. Do I want to wait for slowest to load? NO!! Sledding is a lifelong sport, and without the support of all the clubs and communities it wouldn't be nearly as much fun nor as rewarding. This is why I
choose to donate to not only SW but many other sledding and backcountry awareness communities. If it takes a couple dollars, so be it. The only time i'll be looking back is from the top. Maybe the next time I get cell service up there i'll check in here and see how far the complaining is getting everyone.
Edit - On another note, do I expect everyone to pay? Nope, not at all. I can, and I choose to. If you choose differently, great. Remember no one is forcing you... I truly hope the free members still find this site useful. In the meantime, some of us will bear a portion of the brunt to upgrade the site for everyone.