i have mine in the tighest position and wuz wondering wat kind of performance i could get by loosening them. is this even worth the hassle? wat have you other guys been doing on the rear susp. on the 144" rev?
I believe that making your strap more loose will take the weight off your skis and you will get more weight transfer to the track. Some say if you loosen it too much you will tunnel everywhere. Too tight though and it make you plow a lot of snow while climbing.
If You Loosen It Off, It Takes Away Your Ski Pressure And You Wheeelie Like Crazy, Didnt Think It Trenched Too Much. Depends On What Ridin You Do. Loosen It Off A Little And You Should Be Good. Tight Is Bad.\
doi have to do anything with the springs or just loosen the strap? thanks for the help guys. its my first brand new sled and i want it set up right for boondocking and some climing