Well-known member
I was a member, and a leader of Sheriff's Department SAR squad for more than 5 years.
The red tape involved with a government sponsored SAR squad is incomprehensible. Fear of lawsuits, fear of repercussions, etc.
You are absolutley right regarding ego's, pride, and the like. "We gotta be by the book." "We gotta keep things within the chain of command." "We don't need any problems"
I resigned as a Lieutenant of my SAR squad 2 years ago for the very reasons you have outlined in you posts.
I believe that too often SAR leaders, and the upper eschelon forget the motto of all SAR units:
"It is my duty as a SAR worker to save life and aid the injured. I will perform my assigned duties quickly and efficiently, placing these duties before personal desires and comforts.
These things I do, that others may live.
It would be cool, if this story was not being repeated in every county in the mountain west....
These things I do, that others may live....
I cannot explain to this day...
...the gravity this motto holds for me is inexplicable.
I will ALWAYS put the well being, safety, and importance of my fellow man above myself, and EVERYTHING ELSE. At whatever cost -
because it is simply; the right thing to do.
As I write this, it brings me to tears. To think - that ANYTHING is more important than life...
It would be cool, if this story was not being repeated in every county in the mountain west....
and the moto you mention should be the foundation!!! I get their concern over "vigilanteism" or chaos etc. but all those things can be addressed relatively simply by having a communications and coordination conference bridge or whatever....
I personally have a SPOT messenger, that has a group of friends as the distro for a help message, and it requests they call in to the bridge to get input/help or latest news...man, if I can figure that out in advance of a tragedy...
again, love the letter, and glad to know others have their core groups that help each other out prior to asking the government for help!!!