The freestyle comp came down to who was smooth. Only two guys were, levi & Parsons. In the final the scores came down to Parsons doing tougher tricks (frisby airs, one handed take offs, etc) and Levi hitting two more ramps. Judges gave Levi's two basic extra tricks a higher score than Parsons' tougher tricks. I may be a little biased, but I would have gave it to Parsons by a hair. He was charging the course too, but his backward landers took a few seconds to turn around and start charging.
With 1 second left on the clock Levi was just barely pointed toward the first of the double jumps and they would give him that hit AND the following hit with about 10 seconds of extra time.
All in all both guys killed it, could have went either way and Levi got it by 1/3 of a point AND got a free JEEP for being the athlete of the games. Props.
Look out for Parsons for YEARS to come. And props to Turcotte for silver in sno-cross as a rookie pro.