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Kyle Rittenhouse defense fund.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD


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Northeast SD
I know many of us on here are politically like minded and I would like to remind us to help this young man with his defense fund.
He had our backs, now let's have his.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
From Kyle's mother...

"I have good news, and I have bad news that worries me very much.

Since I told you yesterday that we were being kicked off yet another fundraising platform, we were able to raise enough money to pay for every one of Kyle's current legal bills. I can't possibly thank you enough.

The bad news is that once we go offline at noon tomorrow, it’s going to seriously hamper our ability to hit our March goal of $300,000, and initial trial proceedings are set to begin in a few weeks."

If you want to ensure Kyle can afford the best possible defense, I hope you'll consider supporting him directly before noon tomorrow.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
More from Kyle's mom....

March has been one hell of a month. Being forced to move from platform to platform to raise money has made a difficult job much, much harder.

Some of these tech companies are just totally out of control.

Fortunately, we have incredible supporters and we're about halfway to March's $300,000 goal – but now it's time to start closing that gap.

If we can find 3,000 people to donate around $50 or more, we should hit our March numbers. If you're able to help, please go here now.
As I mentioned the other day, since Kyle's trial was delayed we may be able to space out our fundraising a bit.

But the scary thing is that another de-platforming is always looming, and no matter how many people are willing to step up and help, it won't matter.

So we have to push really hard when we can.

Thank you, and we'll let you know how we're coming along.


Wendy Rittenhouse


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
More from Kyle's mom...

We didn't say anything because we already had a backup in place, but in the last few days, another tech company unexpectedly tried to kneecap an 18-year old kid's ability to defend himself in court by throwing us off their platform.

I've never seen a more unhinged vendetta against a private citizen in my entire life, and it has nothing to do with facts or justice.

It's about powerful people who believe there should be one set of rules for them, and another for everyone else. It's unfair and un-American.

At the most basic level, Kyle's case will decide whether or not all Americans have the God-given right to defend ourselves and our property, or if that's only a privilege granted to people with the right opinions and connections.

If an alliance of lying politicians, media propagandists and biased tech firms can systematically crush someone like Kyle – whose actions are plain for the world to see on video – then we've entered a very dark place in our history.

That's why, for the next 48 hours, we're going to put all our energy towards closing out March in the strongest way possible.

Before Thursday, we're still trying to bring in another 2,000 donations – and if you're able to help, we ask you to do so right now.
Because of the support thus far from thousands of people around the country, we've brought on a great team of ballistics, medical and data forensics experts who've strengthened Kyle's case in a way we never imagined.

The number of lies that we will expose grows by the day, and we can't wait to litigate this in November.

In the meantime, Kyle is spending a ton of time preparing, while at the same time working out a lot and studying for college. He has a great future ahead of him and I will not let them take it away.

Thank you for standing with us, and I hope we can count on you to rush in a donation before we close the books on March.


Wendy Rittenhouse


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD

William L,

Have you seen the story from The Guardian?

Apparently there was a data breach of one of the crowdfunding websites used to raise money for Kyle last year, and this disgusting publication decided to start publicly attacking – by name – police officers and other people who supported Kyle's legal defense. As if they did something wrong.

This incredibly irresponsible "reporting" was then echoed by Newsweek, NBC News and others.

Make no mistake – this is a blatant attempt to shame, intimidate, and ruin the lives of private individuals because they have different opinions than the powers-that-be in our propagandist media. It is below contempt.

First off, let me reassure you that this breach has no impact on our efforts at FreeKyleUSA. All of our information is 100% secure.

Second, I want to use this as an opportunity to show Kyle's enemies in the media – and make no mistake, they do see Kyle as their enemy – that we will not be intimidated.

Tens of thousands of people around this country just like you have supported Kyle because they know the truth is on our side. Our supporters include health care professionals, law enforcement, journalists, teachers, Trump voters, Biden voters, Bernie Sanders voters, you name it. In other words, rational people of all colors, backgrounds and ideologies recognize the truth when they see it.

So, while these digital dictators try to cancel and silence regular Americans like you and me, let's show what we can do. Based upon our projected legal costs, our target fundraising goal for April is $150,000. We've raised $64,000 so far and have less than 10 days to close the gap.

I ask you to double down, and directly support Kyle's defense now. If we let these tactics trip us up, we will lose. And I will not lose.
As we inch closer to trial, I have no doubt that the attacks on Kyle – and by extension, everyone who supports him – will get nastier and nastier.

We must remember that this is a sign of our strength.

Our propaganda media, Big Tech, and radical politicians from Joe Biden down are fully invested in the false narrative that my son is some homicidal maniac with hate in his heart. They couldn't be more wrong.

But rather than embracing facts and changing their tune, they will only become more vicious. Fine, that's their choice.

But we're going to win. We're going to clear Kyle's name, we're going to get him home for good, and we're going to score an historic victory for truth, justice, and every American's God-given right of self-defense.

April is halfway over and fighting this case is very costly. We must stay on offense and hit our mark. Please help right now with anything you can.

While my thanks can't possibly cut it, I thank you. It means the world to Kyle and our family.


Wendy Rittenhouse
Copyright © 2021 Free Kyle USA, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Free Kyle USA
PO Box 5322
Reno, NV 89513


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
William L,

Thank you for all your incredible help this month, but here’s the reality – we are running into some trouble.

When it was announced that Kyle's trial was delayed until November, we were thrilled because it gives us more time to prepare. But on the other hand, it creates a little less urgency with our fundraising efforts.

That's a real challenge because as more and more time goes by — and as we continue building out our legal team with new additions — Kyle's bills continue to add up.

With just 3 days left to hit April's $150,000 goal, we still need roughly 1,650 people to help out with a donation. That's about 33 people per state.

Will you help us close the gap with an urgent donation now?

Thanks for your ongoing support, it means the world to us.


Wendy Rittenhouse


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD

William L,

I want you to remember something, because it wasn't long ago.

Last summer, America was burning.

Statues were being torn down, police officers were being assaulted and defunded, and spineless mayors ceded our streets to mobs of angry lunatics.

They felt free to destroy everything in their path – including businesses that people had worked all their lives to build – because radical DA's refused to take their crimes seriously. And rather than calling for law and order, "leaders" like Kamala Harris were urging their millions of followers to help raise bail money.

On August 5, 2020 in Kenosha, Wisconsin that is the scene that my son walked into. Pure mayhem. Looking back, I wish he had not been there. But he was – to protect and save life, not to take it.

Irresponsible politicians and our corrupt media, which stoke and feed upon our division, made Kyle into Public Enemy Number One. They had to, because to them the narrative always matters more than facts.

Kyle's case is our chance to remind them who's in charge. This is our opportunity to show CNN, Joe Biden, Big Tech and everyone else who has tried to destroy Kyle that the truth matters, and that in America, we have a God-given right to defend ourselves, our families and our property.

Just because Kyle isn't in the news 24/7 doesn't mean the urgency is gone. In just months, he'll be fighting for his freedom in front of the entire nation.

Our defense must be absolutely bulletproof, and that means having the resources to pay for the best possible legal defense. To do so, we must keep our foot on the gas and continue hitting our fundraising goals. And so I ask you, right now, to make a donation of any amount that you can.

Imagine Kyle is your son, or your nephew, or your best friend. Imagine he is facing a life sentence for protecting himself, clearly and on video. We cannot allow for such injustice.

Thank you for your ongoing support, I hope we can count on you today.


Wendy Rittenhouse



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Nov 26, 2007
Central North Dakota
I sure hope that once convicted they will do a public hanging of Kyle.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
He deserves his FAIR day in court, but most likely will get rail-roaded to keep a few inner city neighborhoods from burning. Fair trials will be hard to come by for anyone in the middle of anything that involves race.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
I sure hope that once convicted they will do a public hanging of Kyle.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I can't really understand such negative feelings and hatred towards him.

Like most everyone else, I pray for a fair trial and objective, open minded jurors.

But sadly, it will likely be similar to the Chauvin railroad.


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Feb 27, 2008
I sure hope that once convicted they will do a public hanging of Kyle.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Trial by fear and state sponsored socialist media narrative.

I did Nazi that coming.

(Laughs in Fuhrer)
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
William L,

This coming Friday, May 21, is a big day for Kyle.

With COVID subsiding, he'll be appearing in court, in Kenosha, in person.

We fully expect it to be a media circus and all the typical charlatans will be running to the nearest keyboard or microphone to viciously lie about my son.

As his mother, the most important thing I can do is to comfort him. So on Friday, for 24 hours straight, we'll be holding a nationwide money-bomb to show him how many people across this country have his back.

Preparing for trial is a lonely process, and I know it's not easy for an 18-year-old boy to hear such nasty and untruthful things said about him all the time.

We intend for Friday to be a big day, and we hope you will be there for him.

Thanks for everything and I'll be back with you soon.


Wendy Rittenhouse



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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
William L,

Last week's Moneybomb helped us put a big dent into our monthly goal.

But we still need to close out May in the strongest possible way.

Motions begin July 1, which is just barely over a month away.

In other words, we're approaching game time and we cannot come up short.

If you can make an urgent End-of-May donation, please go here now.

Thank you, and this weekend let's all do our part to honor the brave Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice to safeguard not only our right of self-defense, but every other right that we enjoy as a free people.

This would be a very different place if not for their courage and patriotism.

Wendy Rittenhouse



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