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Knee Replacement

How do guys do with knee replacement. Getting to the age that I might be able to get 2 more years of back country riding out of it. Too many surgeries. Getting some arthritis in it now and its aching a bit. Just wondering if any guys on here had a replacement and how it effected their capabilities?
Had my left knee replaced in March of 2016 and rode my sled at the end of April 2016. Your rehab is everything! Would encourage you to keep the knees you have for as long as possible as the replacement knees are a last resort, look at all other options. In my case the left knee was bone on bone for a long time before I finally had a replacement. The new knee is stable and pain free but I was not able to have the flexibility of my original knee and it can hinder my riding at times but for the most part I am very happy with the out come and have been riding the back country as before the replacement. Keep in mind the time for a total healing is about one year and your rehab never ends. Found cycling is the best way to get the knee strong and flexible along with weight training and pushing the flexion.
Had my left knee replaced in March of 2016 and rode my sled at the end of April 2016. Your rehab is everything! Would encourage you to keep the knees you have for as long as possible as the replacement knees are a last resort, look at all other options. In my case the left knee was bone on bone for a long time before I finally had a replacement. The new knee is stable and pain free but I was not able to have the flexibility of my original knee and it can hinder my riding at times but for the most part I am very happy with the out come and have been riding the back country as before the replacement. Keep in mind the time for a total healing is about one year and your rehab never ends. Found cycling is the best way to get the knee strong and flexible along with weight training and pushing the flexion.
I'm in same boat. haven't had a replacement yet but keep hoping technology will constantly improve to make it more flexible
I"ve had both of mine done and it gave me my active life back. I'm only 54 but between the army and a lifetime of impact sports it took a toll. And I had blown both ACL's when in my 20's.

I suffered for years with pain and instability before I finally committed and got the first one done and I wish I had done it sooner. I had my second one done in January of this year and went riding in April. I can agree though that full recovery and rehab takes a year.

I say don't wait, get it done sooner than later and get on with living without pain and worry. Also, make sure you go with a surgeon that is using the latest procedures and hardware. PM me if you want more info. MP
Ah yes, the good old knees. Had both of them done -- full replacement. Like WMD says, get a good surgeon with the latest goodies. Had my left one done Aug. '16 and rode that season with not to many issues. Had the right one done Aug. '19 and it was a PITA trying to ride last season. Mobility was limited. Second major surgery on that one. It was really messed up according to the Doc. I've been working on it for the past year and it's getting stronger. Will find out how it works this upcoming season. Best advice I can give is to work the knee(s) before surgery and stick with the PT after surgery. If you spend time sitting on your ass, drinking Modelo's and taking it easy, you'll have issues. Good luck and enjoy the gruntin' and groanin' while doing therapy.
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those that have had knee replacements,have you been able to achieve full motion ?
I cannot bend my knees like I could with the original joints. My PT guy got me to 135 degrees which was the goal on both knees. Some folks more, some less. My big issue is how much lateral movement I have. Different Docs do different things with ligaments. Some take certain ones out, some don't. Side to side mobility(going over the seat from one side to the other) really bothered me last season on the right knee, much more than on the left one 4 years ago. And like isg said above, rehab never ends. You gotta keep working those joints to keep things flexible.
My knees are killing me but I just keep riding. It does get harder the more pains that come and go. Knee, foot etc. I had a scopic miniscus removal about 10 or more years ago. I just don't think there is any knee padding left. Now my orther one is starting to ache more probably from over using it.
I had my left knee replaced Dec. 2010. Rehabbed the $hit out of it for 2 years. Worked ok until top pin came loose in apr2013. Had that replaced Aug 2013. More rehab. Fractured left hip June 2014. More rehab. Snowbike 2015 ski( first Simmons ski) slid out on a logging bridge on the ice. Put left foot down and watched my leg fold under the engine and hit so hard I heard the crack in my head. Hit so hard I never felt any pain even after riding my friends sled back to the truck. He still hasn't forgiven me for having to ride the bike back. Crushed the bottom 4 inches of the femur. Everything screwed back together but in August surgeon said the bones wouldn't knit. So got that 4 inches cut off and longer pins in the new knee joint. That put an end to my fun. Left leg barely supports me and I don't trust it. Lost all the ligaments so my brain doesn't know where my foot is(pro-preception).
I really miss that bike!
I had my left knee replaced Dec. 2010. Rehabbed the $hit out of it for 2 years. Worked ok until top pin came loose in apr2013. Had that replaced Aug 2013. More rehab. Fractured left hip June 2014. More rehab. Snowbike 2015 ski( first Simmons ski) slid out on a logging bridge on the ice. Put left foot down and watched my leg fold under the engine and hit so hard I heard the crack in my head. Hit so hard I never felt any pain even after riding my friends sled back to the truck. He still hasn't forgiven me for having to ride the bike back. Crushed the bottom 4 inches of the femur. Everything screwed back together but in August surgeon said the bones wouldn't knit. So got that 4 inches cut off and longer pins in the new knee joint. That put an end to my fun. Left leg barely supports me and I don't trust it. Lost all the ligaments so my brain doesn't know where my foot is(pro-preception).
I really miss that bike!
DAMN!! That's a hell of a long run on bad luck. You must be one tough fella -- physically and mentally.
I ride with a guy who has had double hip replacements and double knee replacements, he can barely get from his truck to his sled. When riding he doesn't get off the seat much but watching him ride you would never know he is so crippled, he can hang with most anybody. When you have 47 years of experience on a sled you learn a little body english goes a long way, sledding is one thing you can do well to a ripe old age.
Had bilateral knee replacement done Aug. 2010, was back to work 9 grueling weeks later and back on a snowmobile in Dec 2010.. I concentrated on PT every day during the 9 weeks, ended up with 110 degrees, even went snow skiing at Christmas, never feel so many times in my life of skiing til that week, my feet were not where they had been for 52 years, but i kept going at everything and kept improving, i only ski a couple times a year and nothing like i did years before, now i just look at the slope, smile, remember the good old days and glide down the groomed run.. On the snowmobile i don’t do the dance from side to side like before, but i use my body english to accomplish all my needs and moves, my only problem is deep powder when i get off to stomp or help someone, can’t lift my feet high enough to walk or stomp the hip deep powder like before...In all and all 30 years of some memorable skiing and as many years riding, 17 yrs as a professional snowmobile guide that were very memorable, i would get it all done again, to lose some motion, maybe a step or 2 lost as well, but I also lost that debilitating, almost unbearable pain in both knees, the kind of bone on bone pain that no combination of alcohol and pain killers could never relieve..Now occasionally my left knee will give me a pain, but i just smile and remember the real pain, and this will disappear in a bit and it is nothing like 10+ years ago.. all is good now, my married life is way better, my attitude is way better.. i found that a positive attitude before the surgery and all the way thru Physical Therapy helped the recovery immensely. hope this rambling helps someone make the right decision..
those that have had knee replacements,have you been able to achieve full motion ?

"Full Range Of Motion" is probably the exception and not the rule. Personally ended up with 120 degrees flexion and must make a continuing effort to maintain that range even four years post operation.

Your results will depend upon your commitment to the PT.
I’m 15 years past when my surgeon recommended double knee replacement. I asked him if I could run, ski etc and he said “sorta”. I was in a lot of pain daily. Lost weight, got in better shape, did a ton of yoga, got stronger and my knees got WAY better. I am 57 now, still have by original knees and I am not pain free but so close its feels like it. This last few years my ankle started popping out daily and causing more pain and it moved up into my knee. My limp came back and at the end of a long day my feet, ankle and knees were wrecked. I was also losing mobility and range of motion in my right knee and had to hang onto the railing going up or down stairs. I started doing ice baths and that helped a lot but it stil was a daily thing. I was working out consistent but not doing much for my leg strength. I stumbled across Dan Johns nad Pave Tsatsouline websites and YouTube channels. What they said made sense and i started to the Pavel workout which is One arm kettlebell swings and turkish getups every morning 6-7 days a week. This workout has been the cure for me. I was sore for the first 3-4 weeks but I have gotten back my full range of motion, no limp, no ankle popping out of joint, running up and down stairs etc. This is the best I have felt in a long time.
If you go to a surgeon you are going to get surgery as a recommendation, that is the only solution they have. Just my experience and I encourage people to use surgery as a very last resort and exhaust the physical therapy, strength training, yoga, alternative therapy’s etc before they take the solution you cant take back
Replacement in 2017. That was surgery number 11 on my right knee. The surgery is no picnic, and the rehab is brutal, but I have been pain free and about 120 degrees of flexion since 5 months post. Still ride motocross at age 57, ride my horse most days, and have no limitations.
Interesting thread, my knees are shot, surgery on both of them now, now dr is saying think about replacements. Getting old is a bitch but it's still better than not getting old. Like the old saying goes if I knew I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of myself.
ve had both of mine done and it gave me my active life back. I'm only 54 but between the army and a lifetime of impact sports it took a toll. And I had blown both ACL's when in my 20's.

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Both of mine done as well- first one 10 yrs ago at 48, and the 2nd one last year. Still able to actively do what I want- sled4wheel, hunt and fish

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Im scheduled for full knee replacement next month on my right knee. I cant deal with the pain anymore been bone on bone many years Im 54 soon. I can still do everything I like ie gym, motocross, jetski racing and sledding but pay for it at the end of the day, even when doing nothing or trying to sleep its tough to deal with the pain . Ive tried everything braces, pyhsio , cortisone shots nothing helps its too far gone. I had both knees scoped out when i was 20 from playing hockey and I think that did more damage then good and racing bikes in my later years didnt do it much good either . Reading these posts gives me some hope that i can possibly salvage part of the upcoming season.
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