As far as I know it is very different from what it used to be, what they require now is a generous fee and some sort of video/online worksheet and that's it. Heck when I took it you had to show you could rebuild a clutch with only half the tools you need.
It will mostly pertain to eastern flat land lake riders and is way over most kids heads. Luckily you can help or even take it for them online. You have to do the study questions first to be allowed to advance to the test so make sure you have Lots O Time. I would guess at least a good hour to complete all of it. My kids also had to take the OHV test and had nothing to do with dirt bikes, only wheelers.
Are they different from the OHV blue card? My kids have had their blue cards for a couple years and I just assumed they covered everything. We have been sledden with them assuming they were legal. Is that incorrect?
The OHV test was stupid!!! I recommend opening the test in one screen and the manual in another screen. Read the test question and then find the answere in the manual. The questions are pretty damn hard especially for a child!!!!
There is one online just for snowmobiles. My daughter did it when she was 11 and had no problem with it. She studied it for a couple nights and did the practice test. It helped her pick up some good general knowledge on sleds.
Both are $29.95 each. There are 2 options for each one now... and if you use the one you can take the test as many times as you want and only pay once you pass. The other one you have to pay first and only get one shot at passing or you have to repay.
I'll sit down with my boy this weekend and take it and see what its like.