I see, so the pole strokers can hold an event in Revelstoke callsed the " World Extreme ski tour " where people huck themselves off cliffs, ski down uncontrolled terrain, in marginal to obscure weather conditions, where there are thousands of people on the side of the mountain, with no insurance, no tenure, no portable washroom facilities... but if you put a motor into the game.... all of a sudden your a law breaker ?
I'm so tired of this political one sided bull hooey. We need some support on our "side".
Why is it that we need to cut through so much red tape, yet the bark chewers can do whatever they please. I mean come on... they even use the word " Extreme " in their event title !!
I guess doing the right thing and actually trying to sanction an event days are officially over. From now on if there is an "event" , it's just another weekend ride with a bunch of good buddies.