Well, thanks, but that is some rather idiotic jibberish.
LMAO, thank you! Coming from you... that's interesting. I'm thinking we should meet for coffee, with that description, we might just get along quite well, as atleast we'll have idiotic jibberish in common!
Your concepts attempted to be expressed are quite silly, and you should examine 'selfish.'
A concept that "good for all" doesn't mean/equal "good for just me and my group" is silly?
Hmm maybe we won't get along so well...
As well, we do not come at you and deny that you have a right to your sport- often from you we hear that we must ski and snowshoe in your ruts, as you speed around us.
My hell... I have to plan my day accordingly and go find routes that others won't be in if I want fresh lines. And trust me, I only like fresh lines! Why are you so special that you should get this without having to work for it?
I can equate this to my hiking in the summer. I don't like crowds. I'd like to actually enjoy the forest, rivers, animals etc etc. So I don't go to places like Tiger Mountain expecting to get my ideal hike that day. No, I take a drive, find somewhere off the beaten path, somewhere that takes more effort to get to and enjoy, but it is so worth it. I don't expect someone to come in and start restricting Tiger Mountain so that I can enjoy it how I would like to.
And yes, I realize the original intent of this thread was about a ski area... but just had enough of this poison...