So are these the immediate things to look at/do for reliability reasons:
1. Plan on replacing the low pressure fuel pump if not allready done.
2. Have the ECM reflashed with the 07 mid range curve (I ride 5K and up)
3. Remove the rear cooler (done all ready in 06 I believe)
4. Install an external thermostat (08 800 part) to prevent too cool condition and inconsistent temps.
5. Install a temp gauge.
6. Inspect front cooler for cracks/leaks. Bypass if problem is found.
7. Either remove airbox(s) and install pods w/prefilters or ensure good seal on airbox(s) to prevent snow and/or belt dust ingestion resulting in potential crank failure.
Anything else would be for better overall performance or lightening up the sled....
Am I on the right track?