I was thinking of this because of all the avy deaths this last year. Everyone seems to want to ride extreme backcountry terrain these days and that is no place to take the kids. On top of that it seems that more and more people look down on trail riding as a viable option. Is the family oriented sledding era over? Are there any families that go sledding as a family anymore? I'm talking about mom and dad taking the kids out for a day of sledding. The manufacturers don't offer any low priced low powered light weight sleds that will take a young person of 10 to 16 years of age out on the trails or out in deeper snow. Unless a child can handle a 450 lb sled there is nothing there for them. (I don't consider a 120 sled to be much of an option because it is only basically good for parking lot duty for very young children or very short rides on packed trails.) Is this our fault as consumers because we don't demand true entry level sleds? The last sled I remember that was supposed to sort of fill this void was the Freestyle by Skidoo but it didn't sell so was dropped. I am thinking about the sleds that so many people started out with such as Elans, Bravos, Tundras, etc. (250 and 340 sleds that all the manufacturers used to build). Maybe people just can't afford to get the whole family involved anymore even if there were sleds for young kids. I've got 3 grandchildren who love to go sledding with us but I think we are in the minority. Let's hear from some of the families who play together.