Last week I got the new skis mounted and this weekend I had a chance to ride with them for a couple days.
Initial Thoughts.
I found there to be little or no difference in on trail performance.
My Nytro took just as much effort to force through a corner with the Gen III skis as it did with the OEM skis. This was something I was "hoping" might be reduced as the weight of the sled is felt strongly on the front skis when going through a tight turn on a trail.
I was quite surprised to find that I can now turn the skis at a stand still. With the OEM skis, it has always been a HUGE pain to try and turn the skis while the sled is at a stand still. In many cases it was just not possible to make a hard right or left turn while stationary. The Gen III skis were perfectly happy to pivot in place every single time I asked them to. This was totally unexpected and a very welcome surprise.
The off trail performance of the skis was good, but I don't yet know if they were great. At best we have about 6 inches of fresh powder to play in, and for the most part they behaved pretty much like the OEM skis. Though, when we found patches of deeper powder the sled "felt" like it had more flotation and was more willing to do what I asked it. On a normal weekend with my Nytro I will get well stuck several times just from a combination of tunnel trenching and the front end being high centered. That did not happen at all this weekend, I just don't know yet if the skis were the reason or not.
So far as I could tell, they did not make it any easier to roll the sled over and get up on a single ski. But again, we really didn't have any deep powder to play in, and 6 inches just isn't enough for a nytro to really revel in. If I had to guess, I would say it felt just a little bit harder to roll the sled over on one ski than it did with the OEM ski.
So, I will reserve my final review on these skis till I have a few more days of riding on them.
But, just for the added ease in being able to pivot the skis at a standstill, that alone makes these skis better than the OEM in my book. Its a little thing, no doubt, but it makes the sled more nimble and more enjoyable to ride. And I do think the added width is contributing to better flotation as well.
And one last comment.
Having the twin keel design may be a huge blessing for my driveway and garage floor. The twin keels reduce the weight on the carbides and it "seems" to be leaving less scars, and goes into and out of the trailer easier as well....