Could be a couple things....
1) Full throttle and sputtering could be bad clutch setup. Are you overreving, as in over 11,000 rpms?
2) Do you have a wide band? The cutting out and spit and sputter could mean you're running lean, you need to check all of the hoses that feed the map sensor. A leaky hose or connection will not allow the map sensor to see all of the boost your running and not give it enough fuel. I addition, the standard mcx setup ties the map, the bov, and your boost gauge all from one hose. If the bov doesnt get a good pressure signal, it will leak and will not let you get full boost.
3) Limited boost could be an exhaust leak, exhaust restriction, or a charge air leak. The mcx setups will have leaks on the short flexible header tubes. Mine will crack on the r/h cylinder header tube. I go through one per season. If it's still using the factory y-pipe header which is ti, take a good look at it. These things will collapse over time and will make it run crappy. The intercooler and throttle body couplers can pop off if not installed right. All of these will make it slow to build boost and the boost will not come all the way up.
4) Take the cover off your mcx fuel control box (should be mounted on the front of the battery box). Take a some compressed air and blow out the inside of the box. Condensation in the box will make it act up.
Good luck