hey, im new at snowest and my gramar's realy bad, so please take it easy on me. anyway i own a 2001 ski doo summit 800, it has 2200 miles, and is in great shape. it ran fine at the starting of the season then once i finaly got ridding it a lilte more i encountered some issues, when it idles it idles realy hiight try 3000rpm until i slap the throtle, my mechanic said its normal. other than this problem. its idles only on the PTO side. i can remove the pto plug wire and it wont run, but if i unplug the other plug wire it runs fine.
other than this it sounds horrible when it idles, like a realy choppy noice.
but when i reach hier rpms it runs great, and very fast. carbs have been cleaned, new pilot jets, carbs have been put in sink and after all this i still have 137 psi in each cylinder.
if anyone has any ideas of whats goin on please post. cause it seems calling my mechanic is getting old. thanks alot for your time and patience to dicifer threw my gramar.
other than this it sounds horrible when it idles, like a realy choppy noice.
but when i reach hier rpms it runs great, and very fast. carbs have been cleaned, new pilot jets, carbs have been put in sink and after all this i still have 137 psi in each cylinder.
if anyone has any ideas of whats goin on please post. cause it seems calling my mechanic is getting old. thanks alot for your time and patience to dicifer threw my gramar.