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Icy Highways and the Value of Life.

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For sure...

Good thread. I commute from Chugiak to Anchortown. This morning I counted five vehicles in the ditch including one roll over, all but one were four wheel drive, Hummmm..................

One more comment. IMHO, overly cautious white knuckle drivers can be almost as dangerous as the lead foots. Check your rear view and pull over every once and a while, common courtesy.
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Also just as important as driving safely in icy conditions, is not contributing to the problem. Yes we should slow down and drive safe in less than favorable conditions. But there is a limit on how slow you should drive on a highway. If you are in a blizzard and conditions are whiteout, you shouldn't be on the highway in the first place.

Alaska Statute 28.05.011:
A motor vehicle proceeding at less than the maximum authorized speed of traffic and behind whom five or more vehicles are formed in a line shall turn off the roadway at the nearest place designated as a turnout or wherever sufficient area for a safe turnout exists in order to permit following vehicles to pass.

As many idiots that are driving recklessly and 'endangering' other drivers... there are an equal amount of idiots not following that above law. I'm not condoning unsafe driving, but it would be great if we could keep a happy medium and keep traffic flowing.

Also worth mentioning... when you get into a four lane 'pass zone', slower drivers feel an increased sense of safety due to the four lanes and speed up, this too is faulty driving and encourages those "unsafe" drivers to speed up or pass after the four lane area.

I've been in a vehicle in both situations, its funny how everyone complains about the other drivers... but at the end of the day, everyone contributes to the highway conditions and no one is perfect.
One more comment. IMHO, overly cautious white knuckle drivers can be almost as dangerous as the lead foots. Check your rear view and pull over every once and a while, common courtesy.

Agreed. I've seen plenty of close calls caused by people being overly cautious. Read: Driving 35 in the fast lane in a 65 zone. How many times have you seen someone breaking the "delay of 5 vehicles" rule? Too many.

Food for thought:
You are more likely to be killed in a traffic fatality on a highway in Alaska in the summer months.

ak49er makes a good point, but statistics show that highways in AK are more dangerous in the summertime.
I admit i am reckless , (not all the time ) only when some one p!sses me off by driving ten miles under for miles and always in the no passing zones, and worst of all ..... will not even think about pulling over and letting someone go by. so i end up picking the safest and quickest way to pass. so yeah im guilty:rolleyes:
The ones that truely frustrate me are those that drive 30 on the corners and 40 uphill, but then speed up to 60+ on the straight flat roads!!! Ie; not giving anyone a chance to get around them without being stupid. If you are being careful fine, I have no problem with that, just let me around when it is SAFE to do so...
My best friend of over 20yrs was one of those people who couldn't stand to follow someone no matter what speed or road condition. He was thrown thru the back window of the pickup and the cab crushed his scull when the truck rolled over him. One of the cross's south of Anchorage on the highway belong's to my father, he pushed a little too hard in a cabover semi in Oct. 84 and changed my life for ever.

Slow down, there's nothing worth the risk of hurting others. :beer;:beer;:beer;
I drive the grey bus. I'm willing to bet some of you have been trapped behind me before in the last couple weekends. Sorry about that.

The bus doesn't really go much more than 35-45 mph on the highway dragging the trailer, and the breaking is not the best. Sometimes even 25mph when weather conditions worsten. I try not to speed race to much! Remember the posted speed limits on the highway are posted for good conditions, which isn't always the case.

I try to turn out as soon as I can to let you guys pass. Those of you who passed me, and will most likely pass me in the future, thanks for your patience. Good thread!:beer;
Thanks for being honest m1ke but don't take this as a bash. For your safety and the safety of others, please get those brakes fixed. Eventually your going to need them and they won't be there, brakes can be replaced, people cannot.:beer;
I am glad this post was well received and has produced some constructive dialog. All points raised are worth consideration. Happy Holidays to All, and:

Stay tuned for my next thread titled,

"Sleds That Ride on Closed Pick-up Truck Tailgates, and the People that Love Them":eek:

I respect the message you are trying to put out, but where do you draw the line? I think part of the problem is that a few self righteous people think they will intentionally regulate everyone else by doing anything to keep others behind them. If you stack enough people up for long enough someone is going to make a move. I’m not the fastest driver on the road but certainly not the slowest. I go the speed I feel comfortable with and if someone is coming up behind me I do everything I can to let them by me, like drive completely in my own lane not on the centerline, move over in the passing lane instead of pacing another vehicle the whole way just to punch it at the end etc.... It’s a two way street and you can’t control other people, any attempts to do so are going to make things worse. Just my Opinion.
Thanks for being honest m1ke but don't take this as a bash. For your safety and the safety of others, please get those brakes fixed. Eventually your going to need them and they won't be there, brakes can be replaced, people cannot.:beer;
Might not be the brakes but rather the size and design of the bus itself..

Saw that bus in Lost Lake. pretty sweet. Needs a cummins in it and those speed limits would be a breeze.

Drive safe

Tampons are on aisle 3

Does this really have to do with riding or riding area's-

I'm sure there are a couple UAA professor's at the middleway cafe that would love to sit down and talk about a potential book named after this thread-

This is not meant to offend you but in past many many years that i have towing trailers to go riding. I have come across several truck drivers, you guys are the worst, definately drive too fast, leave those bright *** lights on way too long, will not drive in your own lane and definately will not move over. Truck drivers in general (maybe not you) have the I am bigger than you and I own the road. I had one perticular incident going to eureka approaching a corner and here comes the big guy around the corner in my lane doing at least 45 with about 8 inches of snow on the road fortunately i was on the inside and was able to get over right up against the hill side just to roll down my window and shake his hand as he blew by. If i would have been on the outside over a cliff I certainly would not be here today.

Again your points are valid and I am not saying that you drive in that matter but more of them drive this way than not. at least what i have experienced the last 15 years
This is not meant to offend you but in past many many years that i have towing trailers to go riding. I have come across several truck drivers, you guys are the worst, definately drive too fast, leave those bright *** lights on way too long, will not drive in your own lane and definately will not move over. Truck drivers in general (maybe not you) have the I am bigger than you and I own the road. I had one perticular incident going to eureka approaching a corner and here comes the big guy around the corner in my lane doing at least 45 with about 8 inches of snow on the road fortunately i was on the inside and was able to get over right up against the hill side just to roll down my window and shake his hand as he blew by. If i would have been on the outside over a cliff I certainly would not be here today.

Again your points are valid and I am not saying that you drive in that matter but more of them drive this way than not. at least what i have experienced the last 15 years
I hardly come across a trucker that leaves their lights on too long, drives in my lane, and not slow down too let me pass. Theyre from what iv experienced some of the most courteous drivers. Yea, a lot of them drive fast down the highway, in that case i let him pass when he can then i bird dog him. These guys have more professional driver training than the "civilians" so a truckers the least of my worries.

Theyve got a job too do and if you feel things are getting hairy driving next too a loaded semi in a storm, then back off or pass him. Im more worried about Average Joe with the 6place enclosed next too me with his towing mirrors touching mine!
Tampons are on aisle 3

Does this really have to do with riding or riding area's-

I'm sure there are a couple UAA professor's at the middleway cafe that would love to sit down and talk about a potential book named after this thread-

This does have a little something to do with getting to riding areas safely.

Good to know that you know exactly where the tampons are, though. ;)
what can I say?...well I think it all starts with having your rig setup for winter driving..after that its driving what is safe for you to drive..just because someone else catches you doesnt mean they are unsafe..most likely they have their vehicle setup to handle nasty conditions..I run massivly studded tires, 4x, 4 wheel HD trailer brakes(normally studs on all trailer tires as well but none this season), ..I dont care how fast I am running..if someone catches me I let them by as fast as I can...no reason to cause an accident having a pile of peeps behind you pissed off and taking risk...
And another thing... :D

If you do get passed, please turn your high beams off. Maybe you didn't like the pass, felt it was unsafe or you don't like being passed, fine. But intentionally blinding the driver ahead of you is not going to make the road safer for either of you.

I drove from seward to fairbanks last week...only passed 3 vehicles the whole way...all 3 left their high beams on despite flashing my cargo light at them and holding my middle finger as high above my roof as I could. I'm not above mounting a lightforce on the back of my trailer, so please turn your high beams off not just for oncoming traffic, but passing vehicles as well.
And another thing... :D

If you do get passed, please turn your high beams off. Maybe you didn't like the pass, felt it was unsafe or you don't like being passed, fine. But intentionally blinding the driver ahead of you is not going to make the road safer for either of you.

I drove from seward to fairbanks last week...only passed 3 vehicles the whole way...all 3 left their high beams on despite flashing my cargo light at them and holding my middle finger as high above my roof as I could. I'm not above mounting a lightforce on the back of my trailer, so please turn your high beams off not just for oncoming traffic, but passing vehicles as well.
I understand what your saying but doing that won't convince other drivers to turn off their high beams. I don't use my high beams so I don't run into that problem but if someone flipped me off you can bet I will let them know I saw that middle finger. You never know, you might flip off the right person and that could send him/her over the edge, road rage doesn't only happne in the lower 48. I'm not sayin, i'm just sayin......;):beer;
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