Democratic Dictatorship, a dictator that runs the contry with absolute control and has his/her people in mind of best interest, no more big corp's screwing everyone.
sure, that's a great idea. because history has shown that always works. dude, seriously, completely uninformed comment. not to be an a-hole but...
both sides of the isle are too blame. (hmmm much like the border, but that is a whole other issue.) the dems, zero development. no new refineries for over 30 years, and every place where we could produce our own oil they bow to the enviro nazi groups. those on the right, along with everyone, knew that $1/gallon gas was not going to last forever and did nothing about it. where was the push for alternative energy options then. obviously not there because who was going listen when it wasn't an immediate issue? it is always more important to get re-elected than anything else...
as stated it is the speculators that set the price. talk about a scam. but if we finally got fed up enough, told the green freaks to stick a sock in it for a while, and said suck it to OPEC by truly developing all of our own resources, ANWR, the shell deposits, and all of the massive amounts of offshore options we have, you are going to tell me that as soon as we started to do this, once the speculators saw that we were really serious, that prices wouldn't start to drop?
(although i do also understand that it isn't quite as simple as i make it here, but...)
and another thing, why in sam h!!l is all of our electricity provided by either oil, coal, and natural gas? even france, one of the most left leaning counties in the world, provides 85% of it's electricity through nuclear power. oh that's right, once again the greenies strike again. are you kidding me!!! get over it, solar and wind is NOT going to cut it!! oh, and solar and wind farms add such beauty and grace to the american land scape. give me a break!
hmm, sorry. didn't intend to go off on such a rant and write such a long post. enjoy the summer. beers all around on me!
pura vida