We have a group that rides lightenned, non-boosted, RX-1's. Last year we got into very, very, very deep snow a few times and had a WOT bogging issue. The snow was flowing right over the top of the sleds and you were full into the throttle contiuously. The sleds would be fine for about ten miutes, and then would start loosing power at wot. If you backed off the throttle a little you could get some power back and limp along. If you let the sled sit a minute it snapped back to life and you were good for ten more minutes of full power before it started bogging down again. It would get so bad a few times that the sled would bog right down and stall the engine. We tried jetting up and down to no avail. Carb heat made it worse. One of my theories was that the carbs are heating up (no airflow through hood vents) like they do with carb heat is on. Anyone know why the sleds run crappy with carb heat? I also suspected vapor lock in the fuel lines and tried re-routing the lines away from the engine, but to no avail. I have also felt that maybe the undertunnel exhaust was getting restricted, but we are often in deep snow when we don't have the issue, plus the sleds would run fine for awhile before bogging out. We have big holes up high in the hood so the engine can get air. I've considered trying to run fresh air to the airbox intake (like the two strokers do), run cooling air across the carbs, installing an electric fuel pump like the apex, even extending our exhaust outlet. Our turbo has never had the problem. It doesn't happen often but when it does it sucks. Ideas?