Quit hitting cancel!! After 6 cancels it locks you out and it's $250 to get the unlock codes and key chain from Mac.
lol wut? That's the first time I've ever heard of that one...
The "Keychain" is a central place for passwords. I keep everything in there... moved the one keychain file from computer to computer for about 7 years now. When it (I'm assuming Safari, it's the worst about nagging you for it) asks you for that password, you can cancel out of it and type in the password for that specific site manually. If you just enter in your keychain password (The same password for the logon you're using) it'll unlock the keychain and automatically pull in the password for the site you're going to. I'd recommend Firefox if it's bothering you that much, i never cared much for Safari (For reasons like the keychain deal, too naggy).
My server (Wildcat.homeunix.net) is a 333MHz G3 iMac... oooold machine, but it's got tons of disk space. GraphicConverter is a way cool image manip. program, it'll open and save tons of image formats. What are you lookin at using it for?
My Macs through the years:
• Powerbook 140, 16MHz '030, 4MB RAM, 80MB HD... *still works!* Did almost all my jr/sr year high school work on this machine.
• Performa 475, 25MHz 68LC040, upgraded to 33MHz 68040, 16MB RAM, 120MB HD. Got rid of that when my parents moved.
• RevB iMac, 333MHz G3, 96MB RAM, 300+GB HD,
• iBook G3, 733MHz, 256M, 30GB... Fried 5 logic boards, 6th one Apple gave me an:
• iBook G4, 933MHz, 256M, 40GB... fried a logic board on it 2 years later, had some issues with the LCD backlight and trackpad... Apple replaced that one for me with my current machine:
• Macbook, black, 2GHz intel, 2GB, 80GB. Still going strong, got it 07 August 2006.
Wasn't too keen on Apple going to Intels, there were a lot of issues with software development and legacy support for a year or so after the switch. I think the PPC's were a lot more energy-efficient too, my iBooks got 6-8hrs battery life where this Macbook gets 2-3. I'd still consider running *nix on a PC as my primary computer if/when this machine fails.
If you haven't already, get the Applecare warranty with it; especially if it's a portable machine. That $200-ish investment with my iBook G3 bought me half a dozen new mainboards and two new computers.