I noticed the scumbags fiancee was quick to point out that he was told several times to stay inside and that Horn "made the choice to take a person's life". Is it not also true that her fiancee was told in evey law book that I can think of that breaking, entering and theft is also illegal. And that day he also made the choice to break into someone's sancturay and steal their belongings? He violated that person's rights and stole their property. How can she be up on her high horse now stating that Horn was told to stay inside? The law is on Horn's side. Here's something for you IF YOU DON"T WANT TO GET SHOT, DON"T BREAK INTO PEOPLE"S HOMES!!!! Oh and you just know this will be brought down to the level of race. Just like those kids in high school that got locked up. HELLO!!! They were gang beating another student. Then they get locked up and all of a sudden it's racism? Come on! Gimme a break!