Hey, I got an odd question since I haven't been 'round these parts but a few years now ...
I know its bow hunting season, and all over the lower uintahs people are out and about, but my question is ..
When does the regular season start?
I don't hunt myself so I'm not very familiar with all this around here, but ..
The reason I ask is, a friend of mine from Florida is coming up to visit me the middle of september and she wants to go hiking, so I was gonna take her up to the end of Red Cloud loop and hike up Marsh peak ...
But, then it dawned on me it's hunting season ..
I know that up there there is "technically" no motorized travel allowed past the end of the road, and they do have a bunch of marked hiking trails up there (seen em sledding ), but I'm sure as hell not gonna take her hiking around up there during hunting season if people are up there around the peak hunting ...
What do you all know about any of this?
I know its bow hunting season, and all over the lower uintahs people are out and about, but my question is ..
When does the regular season start?
I don't hunt myself so I'm not very familiar with all this around here, but ..
The reason I ask is, a friend of mine from Florida is coming up to visit me the middle of september and she wants to go hiking, so I was gonna take her up to the end of Red Cloud loop and hike up Marsh peak ...
But, then it dawned on me it's hunting season ..
I know that up there there is "technically" no motorized travel allowed past the end of the road, and they do have a bunch of marked hiking trails up there (seen em sledding ), but I'm sure as hell not gonna take her hiking around up there during hunting season if people are up there around the peak hunting ...
What do you all know about any of this?