I think there's two likely issues with the Switchback off trail - the ski stance and the 1.25" track (assuming you're still running the stock track). If you haven't done so already, adjust the skis to the narrow position by putting the ski pivot spacer bushings to the outside. This only gets you to 41", versus 39" on the RMK, but it should help. If you want further improvement without buying new A-arms and shocks, try a set of SLP Powder Pro skis - they'll bite and float much better in the fluff.
The biggest gains can be seen by going to a 2" lug powder track, such as the Polaris Series 4 used on the RMK's. When you try carving in the powder, the stock 1.25" track just spins and trenches down. A powder track will hook up, transfer weight off the front end, and power the sled into the turn.
Other "free" tricks include increasing preload on the front track shock, loosening the limiter straps, and decreasing preload on the front ski shocks.