Somewhere between too dumb to quit and flat earth
Well i smacked a stump the other day and i broke all the rivets out of the left side. I didn't realize it at the time but this was all letting snow into my SLP air box and it filled up with ice underneath adding about 10-15 pounds of ice. 
Well hear are some pics of what is broken. The first one is ware the plastic meats the aluminum frame. The one plastic bracket was completely broken off and the one on the other side was bent out of shape as well. I have built some home maid mods to fix it until insurance kicks in but i didn't get any pics of them because it was 4 in the morning before i got done building them.
I also have cracks all through out the belly pan and they go down to the aluminum frame as well. I tried taking pics of them but you can't see them. In the last pic i put dots on everything that needs to be replaced. If anyone knows how much this would cost to fix in just parts, LMK, especially if you have anything you want to sell me cheap.
I must say.... Who ever designed the front of that sled was on CRACK! ARGGG! The entire front is designed very poorly and all it would take would be some aluminum mounts to connect the front of the sled to the aluminum frame the front suspension and drive train sets in. Who cares if the sled weighs 4 pounds more, I don’t want to fix it.
BTW, I have smacked rocks and stumps before, some very bad. I did not hit this stump hard at all, it didn’t even throw me over the handle bars; the stump was rotten and just exploded when I hit it. All the damage I thought it did was pop a few rivets out but I guess I was wrong…
If anyone knows thease sleds well enough to gestimate how much it would cost to fix all that is broken. I need to know if it is worth reporting to my insurence or not.
Well hear are some pics of what is broken. The first one is ware the plastic meats the aluminum frame. The one plastic bracket was completely broken off and the one on the other side was bent out of shape as well. I have built some home maid mods to fix it until insurance kicks in but i didn't get any pics of them because it was 4 in the morning before i got done building them.
I also have cracks all through out the belly pan and they go down to the aluminum frame as well. I tried taking pics of them but you can't see them. In the last pic i put dots on everything that needs to be replaced. If anyone knows how much this would cost to fix in just parts, LMK, especially if you have anything you want to sell me cheap.
I must say.... Who ever designed the front of that sled was on CRACK! ARGGG! The entire front is designed very poorly and all it would take would be some aluminum mounts to connect the front of the sled to the aluminum frame the front suspension and drive train sets in. Who cares if the sled weighs 4 pounds more, I don’t want to fix it.
BTW, I have smacked rocks and stumps before, some very bad. I did not hit this stump hard at all, it didn’t even throw me over the handle bars; the stump was rotten and just exploded when I hit it. All the damage I thought it did was pop a few rivets out but I guess I was wrong…
If anyone knows thease sleds well enough to gestimate how much it would cost to fix all that is broken. I need to know if it is worth reporting to my insurence or not.
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