I have herniated (multiple) discs several times (1979,1986,1999) and each time ... chiropractor(s) tweeked me into pain (not out of pain), a nuerologist gave me epidurals, lasted about 3 weeks for $2000. A surgeon wanted to operate ... I said no.
Now I exercise my back for a few minutes everyday in the morning to be okay. Mostly stretches to maintain flexibility and minimize spasms.
I researched the surgery and looked at, flushing/cleaning the spinal cord area, removing the bulge, replacing the disc and or fusing vertebrate.
I do not like the chances of a "new" problem being created with surgery so I opted not to do it.
Surgery causes trama to soft tissue ... the very thing vital for a healthy back.
What worked for me.
You need to "train" the muscles in your lumbar area to "compensate" for the change in you spine.
The above medical intervention did not work for me except for drugs, TENS , diet , and exercise.
First you must understand there is trauma to your back and your body is trying to compenate for the injury.
The way your body is manipulating the muscles may not work or even hurt other parts of your back muscles with fatigue causing cramps, spasms and reduced mobility.
You need to stop the trauma and then rehabilitate your back.
I would spend hours resting in a swimming pool at about 80F because laying in bed did not work.
Then I exercised in the swimming pool to strengthen my back.
Used drugs on a not so good day. I would take a Naproxen , a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
After a bad day I take a Flexeril and sleep it off. This drug is to relieve pain and muscle spasms.
If I take Flexeril during the day ... I could hurt my back and not know it until the drug wore off.
Everyone is different. Result will vary.
I will pray for your recovery.