We had nieghbors that that had a Ski Dadler!!They had a cabin in Withrop and we used to spend the week between Christmas and New Years with them. My Dad bought a new Yamaha 396 in about 1969. We rode with alot of the clubs in the area back then, Salmon La Sac, Easton airport etc. We got out of sledding for quite a few years for finacial reasons, then one day Dad showed up with a 433 Yamaha. I finally bought my own sled in about 79 it was a 399 Ski Doo, it lasted all of about one weekend. My next sled was quite a few years later in about 1990 it was a 84 Phazer, I long traked it to an outrageous 136x1, man what a ride

. Next was a Phazer II, full mod, Built a tunnel for it and put a 136x1.5 under it, ported, piped,etc. Next was a 600 Vmax

did alot of work to that thing but no matter how much I did to it, it still was a bulldozer! Bought a 98 700 RMK next and had that for many years until I picked up my 07 Dragon.
I used to enjoy riding with my Dad and Uncle and thier friends, buy sadly they have all given it up
Still have quite a few friends that ride so I still have a great time