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How about our POS president!!!


Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
What a joke
what is truly sad here is the narrative that you guys are trying to sell. the only people stupid enough to buy it are the same stupid people refusing to get vaccinated and allowing the virus to mutate and put everyone else at risk even the people that were vaccinated from the first version of the virus. I know science is so yesterday and most of you have no clue how a virus reacts in nature you but what is happening today in this mentality of US against THEM will eventually sink the ship that you and i are currently on. Thats what is truly SAD!!!!!. Now i am hoping that leisureepress well upload more then five memes because that is the record after one of my post


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Feb 27, 2008
Question for you:

Who is your "go to" news source?
1) CNN
3) NPR


Well-known member
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Premium Member
Feb 27, 2008
So does that mean you are unable or unwilling to answer the question? Or both?

If your answer is not listed, feel free to state your source of news.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Apr 22, 2010
what is truly sad here is the narrative that you guys are trying to sell. the only people stupid enough to buy it are the same stupid people refusing to get vaccinated and allowing the virus to mutate and put everyone else at risk even the people that were vaccinated from the first version of the virus. I know science is so yesterday and most of you have no clue how a virus reacts in nature you but what is happening today in this mentality of US against THEM will eventually sink the ship that you and i are currently on. Thats what is truly SAD!!!!!. Now i am hoping that leisureepress well upload more then five memes because that is the record after one of my post
Every person that has either died or disabled from this NOT approved FDA EXPERIMENTAL jab is on you and those that believes their life is of more value than another .

Do your research , either your to afraid to open your eyes or you are what those in charge of this jab is about .

Show us the science ? There is not even any medical documentation . Where's the science ?

Show us the SCIENCE ?
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Bidden lovers...I almost feel sorry for them. But then I remember that they are enabling this administration's destruction of our great country.


Well-known member
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Feb 27, 2008
what is truly sad here is the narrative that you guys are trying to sell. the only people stupid enough to buy it are the same stupid people refusing to get vaccinated and allowing the virus to mutate and put everyone else at risk even the people that were vaccinated from the first version of the virus. I know science is so yesterday and most of you have no clue how a virus reacts in nature you but what is happening today in this mentality of US against THEM will eventually sink the ship that you and i are currently on. Thats what is truly SAD!!!!!. Now i am hoping that leisureepress well upload more then five memes because that is the record after one of my post
Yes, Bholemate,

1) since you seem to deny "this" narrative, what narrative are YOU trying to sell?

2) Or more specifically, What narrative have YOU bought into?

State your exact sources. And if it helps you can preface them with:

1) this is the narrative I believe and have bought into: _______________________________________________

2) and these are my sources of the narrative that I (bholemate) have bought into so therefore you guys' narrative is wrong: ________________________________________________

Use as many characters as you like as I do enjoy reading. :)
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