Just what the people on the government payroll do .And of course the illegal individuals.5 more days for him to finish us off as a country.
That damage they have done will be the new administrations fault I'm guessing.
No one pays attention to anything.
This is yesterday in AK
I get a service call for a really bad F.U. that can't be fixed till spring so there's nothing that can be done until. That's the second time this winter but the first was caught immediately. I have never had this or seen this happen and I started this kind of work in 1983.
I was taking a side street after and I just happen to look over and see water running, granted it's been warm but this is part of the loonie tunes.

I back up from the stop sign below the outback sign after seeing this, ground is humped up from one end to the other. There's a flood drain on the inside of the curb below the sign. That's why it's not out in the street.

A person pulls into this parking spot ahead of me and gets out the same time I pull up and say what is going on here. Person looks at me and I point and then this person is astonished. I then say could you please inform somebody inside the building your going into.
So I back up and watch another vehicle pull up, in the pic above, and this guy gets out and is oblivious to what he just parked in front of.

While I was there I called the utilities for water but couldn't get threw, I tried first contacting an actual person then I tried to report an emergency.
Service was completely down, I ended up going over there showing them the pics and they said they'll have a person check on it.
People are so messed up in the head now that they can't or refuse to see anything.
I'm telling ya, start paying attention to people, it's crazy.