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How about our POS president!!!

After almost four years in office, Forbes now estimates that her net worth, along with her husband, has increased from $7 million to about $8 million, which is roughly 20 times the median net worth of Americans in their age bracket. Besides owning a multimillion-dollar home in Los Angeles, Forbes wrote that the rest of their assets mostly comprise cash, index funds, bonds and pensions.

What is it that she does?
James, they did a good job of baiting him, fake news doesn't report anything for the sheep to actually see.

You did see that video of that woman eating a cat in the drive way didn't you. The oboma care plan was a complete failure but for some reason a lot of people have a very short memory.

I don't need what the government wants me to pay for.

I have absolutely no use for it.

We all know the presidents seat is just that a seat, it's the people around that seat that matter.

All you have to do is look.

That debate was insanely rehearsed, we've seen her for 3-4 years now she can speak not to mention like donOLD said what has she done?

Or how about she's been in office for 4 years and still hasn't stopped the border?

My God Man, open your eyes, are you that corrupt?

The video you refer to was an American meth head that apparently ate a cat. Not proof of a massive problem of immigrants eating pets. A few days ago all of the immigrants were getting tons of money, free housing and stealing all of your jobs and now they need to eat cats? WTF is wrong with you that makes you believe that ****?

The debate wasnt “insanely rehearsed “. At this point it’s very obvious what questions would be asked to any candidate that is actually prepared and intelligent. DonOLD is too old, stupid and self absorbed to actually prepare, he just watches right wing cable news like a proper boomer and parrots whatever they say.

He’s had a healthcare plan ready in “2 weeks” for almost a decade, sure would be nice to hear some specifics at this point.

The world is laughing at you. The entire world. The GOP should have run someone, anyone else, this clown is a joke and always has been.

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Once you figure out how loyal these people are in charge it's kind of easy to uncover how truly evil they are.

There are 8 billion people in the world, how is it that those supposedly in charge can be so easy to trace to such a small group?

Take for instance kamala's title she insisted on being called when she was the attorney general in CA, she insisted on being called the General. We all know how her staff as nutty as they were actually quit their job at the white house, not fired , quit.

Now take the NBC debate last night, where was it held? NY

Where is it NBC calls home? The Rockefeller center

Who started NBC? David Sarnoff, that started with RCA

David Sarnoff was a Russian, he was also known later as the General for his accomplishments at the USASC

These people that the average human being goes WTF are put in place by those very few in charge. These people also are either part of the family or are trying to become part of the family.

Stupidity only goes so far but stupidity also can't see it isn't going to happen.

There are 8 billion people in the world and the rockefellers, a russian and a general were all for the world to see last night.

Technology works both ways, it's all at your finger tips for now and is getting deleted, they want it gone.

Names and titles change to protect the guilty, what does a failing company do when they collapse, build back better.
The video you refer to was an American meth head that apparently ate a cat. Not proof of a massive problem of immigrants eating pets. A few days ago all of the immigrants were getting tons of money, free housing and stealing all of your jobs and now they need to eat cats? WTF is wrong with you that makes you believe that ****?

The debate wasnt “insanely rehearsed “. At this point it’s very obvious what questions would be asked to any candidate that is actually prepared and intelligent. DonOLD is too old, stupid and self absorbed to actually prepare, he just watches right wing cable news like a proper boomer and parrots whatever they say.

He’s had a healthcare plan ready in “2 weeks” for almost a decade, sure would be nice to hear some specifics at this point.

The world is laughing at you. The entire world. The GOP should have run someone, anyone else, this clown is a joke and always has been.

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Kirk I appreciate how small minded you think I am. Signs man, meth where is it coming from?

Like I mentioned it's a seat and the people in charge right now are bat **** crazy, I don't give a hoot about the red man it's the people that have heart and soles around him.

They are real
Kirk I appreciate how small minded you think I am. Signs man, meth where is it coming from?

Like I mentioned it's a seat and the people in charge right now are bat **** crazy, I don't give a hoot about the red man it's the people that have heart and soles around him.

They are real
You think the illegals that are eating dogs are carrying meth across the border? They had that kinda cash why would they need to eat dogs?
Maybe Billy bob is cooking it in his basement…. Hmmm….
I know you’re batshit crazy, but is Donny really the best that half the US can offer?
You think the illegals that are eating dogs are carrying meth across the border? They had that kinda cash why would they need to eat dogs?
Maybe Billy bob is cooking it in his basement…. Hmmm….
I know you’re batshit crazy, but is Donny really the best that half the US can offer?
Go back to the kid's table. You can sit with the grown-ups when you get rid of queen trudeau.
Go back to the kid's table. You can sit with the grown-ups when you get rid of queen trudeau.
At least no one up here is lying about people eating dogs.

Here’s an idea-Next time your boss asks you how ya plan to do something that you have been working on for years, tell them you don’t have a plan, just a concept of a plan. See how that goes.
At least no one up here is lying about people eating dogs.

Here’s an idea-Next time your boss asks you how ya plan to do something that you have been working on for years, tell them you don’t have a plan, just a concept of a plan. See how that goes.
What is wrong with you Kirk, are you saying the last 4 years of hell with this administration works for you?

I"ll ask this again, are you still wearing a mask?

Are you current on your vaccinations?

Do you think the whole country has to have insurance regulated by the government?

Do you not understand that borders in many countries are now wide open?

Are you a socialist ?
Unreal people don’t realize other countries eat what we call pets. Learned that as a kid when my cousin taught me there’s two kinds of dogs in Mexico. Guard and food.
Unreal people don’t realize other countries eat what we call pets. Learned that as a kid when my cousin taught me there’s two kinds of dogs in Mexico. Guard and food.
A friend of mine married an Islander Girl several years back. I finally asked him why she's so afraid of Hondo, he laughed and said they eat dogs and the dogs aren't exactly friendly :)
I explained to her that he's a good Dog and would give his life to protect her. She started treating him like a little kid, came back to the cabin one time and the treat jar was about empty and he was plenty content, forgot to mention they like to eat.
I watched a harvest worker break a chickens neck he grabbed through the fence one morning. Hung it by its legs from harvester.
Around noon he started pulling it apart, ate it raw with blood dripping down his shirt.
So nasty.
I watched a harvest worker break a chickens neck he grabbed through the fence one morning. Hung it by its legs from harvester.
Around noon he started pulling it apart, ate it raw with blood dripping down his shirt.
So nasty.
That does not surprise me, might of been actually healthier then some of thier cooking.

Thier culture was more prone to hepatitis at one time.

They don't trust American's as far as they could throw that harvester, I've learned that from working with them, there will only be one that speaks English around the bosses.

Good people
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