The big question is how are they going to pull a rabbit out of the hat ? None of these countries have **** on hand but you know what countries do and it's not the NATO loving bitches.
European Union will look to replace Russian gas with more expensive American alternative European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told reporters
India believes America started this war by telling Ukraine that they would back them and after they poked the bear in the eye they stepped away.
You won't hear the fake news talking about this, Russia actually helped end a brutal war, have you not noticed how movies make fun of India and in the James Bond days they where always the ruthless killers . With time and technology India was not so easy to be the patsy.
After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Russia inherited its close relationship with India which resulted in both nations sharing a special relationship. Russia and India both term this relationship as a "special and privileged strategic partnership"
Despite the growing contribution of renewables to global energy consumption, the global market remains highly dependent on oil. As of April 2020, the global fleet included 810 very large crude carriers
Celbrating the passing of a person that was affiliated with the CBC, Young was well known and bragged about his pork barbecue parties that would bring in high ranking politicians and colleges that the media would toot until the people started seeing threw the real reason for the outrageous parties.
Source: At Least Two Barbados Politicians Received Undeclared “Campaign Donations” From Corrupt Alaskan VECO Corporation Alaska’s VECO Corporation is now infamous for using briber…
Paraphernalia they proudly wore on occasions started by a girlfriend.
Washington is honoring today the passing of a CBC. Don Young's arrogance was so brash that he once referred to Mexicans as wetbacks because his reasoning was thats what they called them from where he's from.
Young and Pelosi had no love lost and avoiding each other as best as possible, to pees in a pod .
May Don Young, CBC, rot in hell , He reaped from the riches and turned this state into a welfare case. He never done a damn thing for the people but grease thier palm.
The VECO building was bought out by a company CH2M Hill , engineering ties with the labs in Ukraine .
They call themselves wetbacks here.
One guy always picks on the American Mexicans as he calls them. Says how can you tell the difference between a wetback and a Tex Mex?
At least the wetback was washed once on his life.
I thought I’d be breaking up a fight when I heard him, but the whole crew was all laughing up a storm.
He’s legal now, fyi, but fled here after his dad tried to kill him one night.