Maybe it was you or another local who informed the lineup of our wrong doing but I recall Skip/Hawkdoggen informing most of us about staying to the tree line or riding the trail to the left if we headed out again.
With over seventy folks from all accross the continent many a disscussion about where and how each others riding is allowed.
Bad dogs, let them off their leash and it's off sniffing everything they can find.
Donations, Brent, (hope he gets on here) owner of resort informed me Sunday night that just the week before a large group about 1,100 people "Mother Earth" or something like that http://www.myspace.com/lymefest invaded and deposited among many "things"
$14,000.00, he smiled at me and said incuding the local poker run parking lot users we matched it with "70", then add the other hotels, $gas$ , permits, etc., do the math?
Tammy contacted the Forest service, the Snowgoers etc. ahead of time, we were welcomed by all, one of you on here even mailed us the maps.
Let me get this last thing strait though, are you saying these Oneskis are capable of going anywhere?
Maybe it was you or another local who informed the lineup of our wrong doing but I recall Skip/Hawkdoggen informing most of us about staying to the tree line or riding the trail to the left if we headed out again.
With over seventy folks from all accross the continent many a disscussion about where and how each others riding is allowed.
Bad dogs, let them off their leash and it's off sniffing everything they can find.
Donations, Brent, (hope he gets on here) owner of resort informed me Sunday night that just the week before a large group about 1,100 people "Mother Earth" or something like that http://www.myspace.com/lymefest invaded and deposited among many "things"

Tammy contacted the Forest service, the Snowgoers etc. ahead of time, we were welcomed by all, one of you on here even mailed us the maps.
Let me get this last thing strait though, are you saying these Oneskis are capable of going anywhere?