Well I was told to stay on the trail but couldn't do it. Was following another track in about a foot and a half of new powder but got out of it by about a foot. Hit a rock doing about 15 mph and came to an extremly abrupt stop. The left ski hit it straight on and rode up on it. The A- arms are about one inch out of alighnment now and the top one is almost rubbing on the back of the shock. It seems that top one rotated forward.I took them off and they don't apear to be bent at all. Even where they are attached does not seem to be bent. My Question is. Is it possible that the aluminum body/framework is warped? and is it possible to correct it? The only thing I could do was adjust the ty rods out to re alighn the skis. The left ski is about an inch behind the right one now. My new 2007 800r 144 summit has only 27 miles. By the way you should see the bruse on my chest from hitting the handlbar.