Well.... sorry guys, cant resist the urge to post, "tongue in cheek". Signed on 2 years before the change. Our 300+ - 400 post-a-season thread over in Nevada, "ELKO riders..." with GREAT guys and FAMILIAR faces from all over the west (plus many from all across the country!) Has DRIED UP and been blown to the wind. Seems all the threads have gone from "EVERYONE up" to "click" threads where only someone who can actually relate posts. Most all the "old" contacts are gone or "pop-in" lurkers like me. Dont even have SnoWest at the TOP of my favorites anymore. HISTORY of the forum sums it up... so, sorry... my first post in days. (seems longer) SMASHERS
"ROMPER ROOM" was the first thread I started participating in... GOD I laughed my ARSE off in there! Miss the TOP GUN analogies.... even Smash.