you're nuts and over exaggerating it.. i wouldn't B*tch if this wasn't blatant retardation..
you even ride anymore? there was soooooo much room up there on sunday! this a-hole wanted to be as close to the trail as possible and blocked me in.. when i got there i parked in front of a rig and had just enough room to unload and load.. that person left early in the day and a big rig and enclosed showed up in its place and pulled right up on my trailer just to squeeze and try to not be in the turn around.. so he blocked me in.. all i needed was a sled length, not 20ft, dude gave me like a foot. whatever. your statement is ignorant.. and i like you.. so that's hard to say..
yeah i work all day riding and when i come out i roll right on to my trailer.. i shouldn't have to jimmywack my sh*t out of a parking space and into the middle of the road to load my trailer or go drive and turn around way down the road, come back to the turn around and load... ruffy, you're nuts to think its ok for me to do this.. i get there early to get a good spot..
i'm a not pro or anti greeny but surely you are more into snowshoeing than sledding these days i guess..