big hoe i was joking when i was talking about the oceanfront property in montana i live there i think i would no that the nearest ocean is over 1000 miles away you just couldnt sense the sarcassm haha
and secondly yes i do pay taxes and i know taxes are needed the income tax idea put forth by Mckinly was one of the greatest ideas in history is what gives our country money and for all those out there who hate taxes news for you we need them we cant function with out them on who should we tax more the rich who can afford it or the poor who cant you dicide.
and i agree that we should have gone after al quada but al quada is not in Iraq it is in Saudi Arabia and the mountains betweet afgahnastan and pakastahn. this whole Iraq thing was a big mistake ounce we found out that didint have WMD's we should have left. and now a bunch of you are gunna say well what were we gunna do with sadaam hussain just leave him in charge. well yes sadaam was a tyrrant but even the Iraqi people say that under sadaam they had better lives less freedom but more cival services like electricity for example and
if you dont beleive me then just watch 60 minites then you will find all that i am telling you is true.
there are many things that democrates do that i think is dumb, like gun controll and all that PETA **** but i think all that is less important than the world collapsing around us and i am not sayin that it is all George bush's fault but it just so happend to go down hill when he got in so you Conservitives even have to admit he did a pretty poor job at alot of things.
BigFlip, I don't know why I care, but I'm going to try to break this down for you.
My previous comments about the "idiot of the month award" had nothing to do with the ocean front property in Montana. It was a reference to the content of your uneducated post.
Next, let's talk income taxes...You say you want to tax the rich because "they can afford it." Let's say I'm Joe millionaire, I own a construction company that builds highways. My business brings in $10 million dollars a year. The government has two options regarding my taxation. They can lower my income tax 5% or raise it 5%. If you lower it, I keep an extra $500,000 and in turn expand my company with the money I save and hire 16 new employees that I pay about $31,000/year. Or they can raise my taxes and I will cut 16 jobs, because no matter what, my bottom line needs to remain constant. So go ahead and tax me if you think its a good idea because ultimately, me the millionaire, will retain my wealth even if it means you the dump truck driver lose your job. People say the millionaire have so much money that they can stick it in the bank and live off the interest. That is true and if you raise taxes that is what will happen. If that happens, they are not investing in businesses that employee you and in turn, you have no job. Although this isn't probably a big deal for you living with mom and dad, I bet it would be a big deal if your parents lost their jobs.
Now let's talk war. You say that Iraq and Afghanistan are not related. I'm about to give you some incite from someone that has been to both places several times. The excuse of WMD was a mistake. We should have never used that excuse for going in Iraq. When I was in Afghanistan BEFORE the war in Iraq broke out I worked on a team searching buildings and blowing up old weapons and ordinance. While I was working near the border we stopped a truck entering Afghanistan. This truck contained kits used to make bombs. They had the blasting cap wired to a cell phone, all the det cord needed and detailed instructions (i.e. plug wire A in to hole B) on how to assemble an improvised explosive. The kit had everything you need except the ordinance. The phone was even a prepaid phone with the phone number taped to it. They were supposed to set up the bomb and go to an observation point and wait for us to come along. When we got close, they called the phone, the voltage being sent to the speaker for the ringer was diverted to the blasting cap, which exploded the bomb. Now, when the Office on Special Investigations and the FBI researched the origin of the kits, can you guess where they came form???? I think you probably guessed it, a terrorist cell within Iraq. Now this is only one example of the link between the two, I'm sure there are many more but I have personal experience with this one. Don't just regurgitate what you hear on CNN, they don't always know whats going on, and when they do they often don't report it accurately.
If you are basing what you believe is fact and fiction from what you hear on 60 minutes you have a lot to learn. They report some useful information but you should probably research the unbiased facts for yourself before you run around proving to the world you are just a sheep.