Always help out the buddies that are stuck, one buddy got stuck about 8 times in a row just being dumb helped out the most I could but was so hung over I was probably more in the way than I was helping........ LOL!!!!! Rolled my sled about 6 times trying to stop and help a buddy out on a hill once........... bad idea number one, then finally got my sled stopped and left it on its top, bad Idea number 2, then hiked up the hill about 50 yards, bad idea number 3, then got him unstuck and then he helped me get unstuck........ this was all on a very bad hill that could have broke, luckily it did not and I learned alot that day as far as avy's go, just don't play around like that when there's a hill involved.......... luckily the avy danger was very low that time of year but none the less if was very stupid to even take that sort of chance......... but we all try to help out each other when we are stuck.