I've got an 07 M8 SP EFI stock besides an MBRP can. Engagement is @ 3400 RPM, WOT is 7950 RPM, 75 g weights, white or tan drive spring (don't know exactly, bought the machine used), RKTek secondary clutch kit with 38/36 helix, SP Green secondary spring running at 1000' elevation. I know this sled wasn't designed for flatland drag racing, but that's what I was doing today with an F8 stock, F7 slightly modded and an MXZ600. When it ran good I took all off the line and to the 660' mark. Most of the time though it bogged and stuttered when I goosed it. If I held the brake and idled up to 4200 RPM it ran great. My question is how do I get rid of the bog? Do I raise the engagement via spring or weights or do I delve into the world of fuel controlling?