So, i'm am in the planning stages of building a shop on my property. I looked at my subdivision covenants and it states (No building shall be located on said lot nearer then ten feet from the lot line). So i take that to be fact. I called my county inspector and he told me that the county rules are 10 feet on the sides and 20 front and back. He also told me that he can't tell me what mine need to be since i live in an area with a Covenants coving this issue and that i need to go by what they say.
So my question is, can a Subdivision covenants superceed a county law?
I am kinda at a loss of what to do since i need to get to the property line as close as possible and noone has an anwser.
Oh ya, there are two other homes in my sub division that have built shops that are alot less then 20 feet to the back line and the subdivision manager told me he didn't know how they could have gotten away with it. So i don't know!?
So my question is, can a Subdivision covenants superceed a county law?
I am kinda at a loss of what to do since i need to get to the property line as close as possible and noone has an anwser.
Oh ya, there are two other homes in my sub division that have built shops that are alot less then 20 feet to the back line and the subdivision manager told me he didn't know how they could have gotten away with it. So i don't know!?
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