Whenever I go off the trail in deep snow I can run for a minute or two and then it acts like its bogging and running rich. If I try to open it up it almost kills the engine. I'm running all stock. Temps were -5 to 0 with 470 jets and needle clip in the 3rd position. This is al per the charts. I removed and cleaned the exhaust valves and the bellows are good. Air box is stock. RPM when running in the snow is 6000-7000. If I stop in a track and let the engine idle a minute and clean up I can go again for a while or if I go back to the trail and open it up and clean it out I can go back to the deep snow. It seams its running rich when under load 1/2 throttle position under load in the deep snow. I can run down the trail all day with no problems. It's just when I get in the snow. I also replaced the foam donut thinking I may be sucking snow in.