Shirley is like any other broad, a little left to the imagination is usually a good thing eh?
But I will disclose pics of the sled.
2018 G4 165
Front mount sticks out even with, or slightly less than the chaincase.
The tunnel is dbl thick here, and I have it dbl nutted like came in the kit.
(Today's kit may be slightly different than the last jack that I got as I know the mount kits vary sometimes.)
I didn't like his bracket for the back end, and I rolled (turned?) my own out of a slug of buffer tube material, with the tang towards the rear to add support.
A cpl worshers with a sleeve/bushing would be the same.
I put this through the rear suspension mount bracket, so again - it's dbl thick here.
I have the whole thing [almost] tight up agginst the tunnel.
And per an earlier statement about it being too heavy:
Bill has one on each side of his machine(s) and he has discarded the seat from every sled that he has had in the 20 yrs that I have known him.
"It weighs too much!"
The jack is 7075 alum with a plastic body.
So, I don't think it gobbles up too much running board room or weighs too much for him.
Just to keep things clear as there have been several brands tossed about in this thread, I am talking about the "Harmon High Jacker".
(the subject of the thread)
He builds them himself in Colorado, but his daughter handles the shipping out of Tulsa sometimes.
So if you see that at some point, don't get cornfused, it's the same doohicky.
High Jacker Snowmobile
High Jacker - Snowmobile Jack. 84 likes. High Jacker Snowmobile Jack is a high lift jack for getting your snowmobile unstuck. Built-to-last w