interesting facts from there site
Over 100,000 full time jobs are generated by the snowmobile industry in North America. Those jobs are involved in manufacturing, dealerships and tourism related businesses.
The average age of a snowmobiler is 41 years old.
The average annual household income for snowmobilers is $68,000.
The average snowmobiler rides their snowmobile 920 miles (1481 km) per year in North America.
Approximately 75% of all active snowmobilers are male; 25% female.
53% of the snowmobilers usually trailer their snowmobiles to go riding. 47% either snowmobile from their primary residence or have a vacation home where they keep and use their snowmobiles.
Approximately 80% of snowmobilers use their snowmobile for trail riding and touring on marked and groomed trails. 20% of snowmobilers use their snowmobile for work, ice fishing and transportation.
Snowmobilers are caring neighbors, they raised over $3 million for charity during the 2011-2012 season.