was going to switch helix on an 06 m7 tomorrow. ive never taken apart a cat clutch. is there any special tools or things i need to know? anyone walk me through it?
ive done lots of polaris and doo button clutches with just my two hands.
well your clutch probably has the white spring adjuster in the helix. take out the 3 torx screws on the end of the helix and take end cap off. then just screw out the adjuster and pull out spring. then undo the 6 torx screws in the back of the clutch and remove helix. install is reverse.
if you have the encapsulated helix (non adjustable) then you need some 1/2" ready rod or a little smaller and some bigger washers so you can compress the secondary then remove the 9 torx on the back of the clutch. then relieve tension on rod and the spring will push the helix out the sheaves. install is reverse.
the torx should be t-20. you dont need no special tools. also some blue loctite for all the torx screws.