Why do you have to cut a piece that is an exact mold you ask? Becasue people install them in many different ways putting rivets where they best see fit. Some glue and RVT them in some just rivit them in, if you didnt want to drill holes probably shouldnt have bought it in the first place, maybe the website should state it either way you are correct directions would make it nicer. I understand that you like things to look good and fit good, im curious as to why the rant if you did even have to spend an hour installing it...? It does and looks exactly what you bought it for..no? The price quote of 40 dollars was a point to be made that you get what you pay for, the product is designed to be affordable but still serve it purpose. No sh*t you didnt have to do any trimming to get your original headlight in, you payed 12k for the sled and it came assembled...my statement was never to be derrogatory towards your installation or the fact that you did or did not buy the kit or did or did not own a pro, i have installed three of them, i as well know what your talking about by the 3" tab hanging down, im sorry that it troubled you to cut it off and waste that hour out of your day, and when its all said and finished it looks, does, and is what you bought.
Whole nother subject matter but thanks for the input, im not here to deny that you did or didnt get help answering your questions but for 150-200 and at most 250 dollars surely you werent expecting the hood to come from the factory trimmed and perfect, thats why they dont cost 580 dollars like a stock IQ hood does...i guarantee you that with a little bit of time and effort it would fit just like the stocker, its much easier to type on here though than admit you didnt take the time to trim it out correctly, or you made a boo boo that didnt fit...idk maybe im wrong.
Why do you try to bash someone who makes an honest post? You make accusations and assumptions that have no basis or truth. Get real and don't stick your nose in if you have no idea what you are talking about. Some really good and experienced people worked on that hood and it simply does not fit well at all - end of story. Get over it.