In reference to Murph's post.... This is where I have to stick up for the dealers. Polaris and all of the manufactuer's I've ever worked for WILL NOT PAY warranty time for troubleshooting. Manufactuer's feel that if a trouble code doesn't exist, then a problem doesn't exist. Unfortunately, anybody that knows anything knows this is hardly the case. If manufactuer's paid for troubleshooting/diagnostic time, then the dishonest shops would/could rack up hours of time on a warranty ticket for issues that may or not exist.
Another thing to consider is often times, manufactuer's are basically tieing the arms of the tech's behind their backs when a problem child does exist. If a multiple repeat vehicle is brought back and troubleshooting time is authorized, the manufactuer will only allow the tech at the dealer to check one thing at a time (basically tell them what and not to check/test) and then require the tech to call the diagnostic person at corporate back with the finding's. Often times when I have been required to doo this, the guy or gal on the phone telling me what I should be testing doesn't know a thing.
I agree that there are many dealers that need to invest in a much better training program for their techs, but please don't think these kinds of problem vehicle's with repeat dealer visit's that are not being fixed is all on the dealers. Both Polaris and Dealer's need to share the burden of being able to diagnois tough symptoms.