This is one of the most fun activities Iv'e ever done,My friends and i do it well!We wear a.b.s ,beacons,armour.Carry shovels,probes,spot,extra food and we have tail gate meetings to discuss the day and conditions.Most have AVY training and first aid!!The day of the OWLSHEAD tragedy we were first to assist.Proir to that event we could be heard buzzing around in the meadows(trust me we like to chew every bowl in site) Most sledders are aware of the dangers,but i was shocked when we were searching for the buried rider how many riders had to sit out because they never had beacons!!!I know this is a free country , but im thinking mybe if your going to ride the back country ,somethings should be manditory..just a thought???? R.I.P to the lost ridders from sunday,and to the families,WE SHARE YOUR PAIN ....