don't look heavier
After pawing over an M8 2010 I couldn'd see any weight changes in parts of significance. It will be interesting to weigh the new can, while it appears to be M1000 size its not an M1000 can and may not weigh as guy observation. Pipe is as visually close in dimensions to an SLP pipe as one could get. Exhaust outlet red rubber donut added. MOre concave head nuts and bolts here and there. New skiis ? lighter or heavier by a 1/2 lb maybe.
I think the 160 hp average is real, last 10 years of cat EFI sleds when you drag them in and dyno them.........about at 5-8 hp spread from best to worst, M7's on the dryno ran lots of 135 hp sleds and a good number over 145 same dyno same day, keep pulling them off the trailer for testing. I don't think much has changed there, luck of the draw when you buy.