Yes, i installed one and love it. It's very simple and strong, It raises the tunnel 2"
The 25lb weight loss is great, and there's only one place to grease. I would like to hear from other's $800.00 25lb loss you cant beat it. I would like to know how it compares to other skid's.
I spoke with the manufacturer of the kit today and they had nothing but good things to say, but I wanted to hear from others who have tried it.
Looking at some upcoming summertime mods. Weight loss will be my focus and will try to catalog which items lose how much weight and then report on the performance next season.
Scott I spent about an hour on one with the updated skid. I liked it a lot. The pressure was set a little too high for me so it wheelied a little but I like the design. I picked up a full takeout 162 cat skid that I hope I can get installed and get some time on this year still. I love the cat skid in my mountain max also.
I accidentally hit the wrong button and said your post wasn't helpful. Sorry man. Don't know how to fix it.
With the new yamaha skid i noticed if the rear shock is 135psi the ski's come off the ground. With 140 to 145 the frontend feels light and ski's stay on the ground
very easy to adjust to your riding style and snow conditions.