Finally got to ride my 011 Pro this past weekend. Here's my take on my 163... it goes though the snow unbelieveably well, it needs so little throttle to get moving and to keep going. I rode with Doo guys riding E-tec's, we rode all day in the trees, they would dig huge holes turning through the trees on the inclines, where I could just burp my Pro through a turn around a tree going uphill and barely spin the track, it felt like I could almost stop and then just drive away again. Amazing. Getting the sled on edge, was so fast and quick it was hard to adjust to at first, I would at first tip the sled right over on it's side and fall off. Only concern I had was the steering, it seemed hard and heavy to turn the skis following in a track at slower speeds. All the Doo guys rode my Pro, a couple loved the Pro but all of them said, "how can you ride that thing like that all day, I can't turn the ski's". I rode their E-tec's and they were very easy to turn the skis. Just sitting on the sleds stationary I could turn the Doo ski's but my Pro ski's were like glued to the snow. At the end of the day my triceps were done, still sore two days later. Is there a way to make the Pro ski's turn like the Doo's. It's killin my arms!!!!!!