Hi guys, my throttle side handwarmer took a lunch break today. Is there something obvious with these or do I need to start taking chit apart to find it? any help on first places to looks would be great, oh and its on the 07 Apex. Thanks.
follow the wiring to the connector under the headlight.it's inside the rubber junction box. unplug and check for continuity across the wires going to the grip warmer. more than likely open. if so remove both grips and elements and go here:http://www.rsiracing.com/product_info.php?cPath=0_30&products_id=207
order the high power elements and the 8 inch odi grips they sell install as per instructions and enjoy warm hands for once. i did the ones that dont cover the hooks and they work great!!!!
Grab a box cutter and just cut the whole grip off and the heater elements will peel right off. Mine came off glued to the stock grip. Mostly because they had melted into the grip and started to wear a burn hole through.